Friday, November 6, 2015

If You Want Great Skin Start Meditating

 - Dougal Waters/DigitalVision/GettyImages
Meditating.  Dougal Waters/DigitalVision/GettyImages

Meditation can have many positive affects on our health, but did you realize it can also have major benefits for our skin?  All the skin benefits of mediation are explained here.

What Is Mediation?

Meditation is an ancient practice found in many cultures worldwide that brings about self awareness and helps focus attention.  There are many different ways to practice meditation.  Each person needs to find the practice that best fits their personality and lifestyle.

 Some people can easily meditate on their own sitting quietly in a room while others need guided meditation in order to practice.  There are even great apps that you can download to your smartphone that make meditating easy to do anywhere.  

The Health Benefits Of Meditation

Meditation offers numerous health benefits - both physical and spiritual.

 First and foremost meditation is known to reduce stress and help you relax.  By reducing stress you can both feel better physically and look more relaxed.  In addition, regular mediation can help decrease the risk of heart disease, can improve your memory, reduce blood pressure, and help with pain management and even depression. Spiritually regular meditation increases your self awareness and your emotional well being making it easier to deal with life's challenges.  Meditation can also teach you patience and can focus your attention.

How Meditation Helps Our Skin

When it comes to our skin reducing stress always makes a positive difference in our looks since stress ages our skin and can even make us breakout.

 Research has shown that regular meditation greatly reduces stress which only has a very positive outcome on our skin.  There is even photographic proof that regular meditation can improve your looks.  As soon as stress is reduced our skin will look better since chronic stress leads to inflammation in the body.

 Inflammation is one of the causes of both skin aging, it breaks down collagen in the skin, and pimples.  If you can reduce inflammation in the skin you can absolutely improve how your skin looks.  Furthermore, we all know that if we are experiencing stress in our lives our looks can suffer.  Our skin can appear dull and we can have dark under eye circles when we experience difficulties in our lives.  Taking even 5 minutes daily to meditate is definitely a great way to help your skin fight stress and look its best.

It turns out that chronic skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema show improvement when meditation is added to more traditional treatments.  Meditation can trigger the body's ability to heal itself.  Both of these skin conditions can get worse with stress.  So, once again, by reducing stress through regular meditation you can help treat these skin conditions.

While mediating you also breathe deeply instead of shallowly which helps oxygen get to your skin. When more oxygen circulates in our skin we have a healthy glow and our skin cells can work normally.  Meditation can also help you sleep better which benefits our skin in so many ways. When we get enough beauty sleep our skin can repair itself as needed, dark under eye circles can disappear, and fine lines can appear less pronounced.  If you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep consider trying meditation to help you sleep better.  

Bottom Line

When we reduce stress in our lives, sleep well, and feel good physically our skin can look great. One way to help our bodies, our health, and our skin to look its best is to meditate.  Find a meditation practice that suits your lifestyle and start meditating today.  Your skin will thank you.

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