Friday, November 6, 2015

The Worst Skin Care Advice On Pinterest

The Worst Skin Care Advice On Pinterest

 - JGI/Tom Grill/Blend Images/GettyImages
Surprised. Photo Credit: JGI/Tom Grill/Blend Images/GettyImages

I love Pinterest; I am sure you love Pinterest too.  Pinterest is my favorite way to save recipes, look for recipes, and organize articles I find about skin care and esthetics on the web. Unfortunately when it comes to skin care advice Pinterest isn't always the best source of information.  On Pinterest you'll find DIY skin care recipes that use everything in your kitchen from egg whites to cinnamon to lemon juice and yogurt.

 Even though I am all for the occasional DIY facial mask or toner some of the skin care advice on Pinterest can be downright dangerous for your skin or even your health.  Find out here what Pinterest skin care advice is best to avoid and why.

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