Friday, November 6, 2015

Skin Care Trend: Jade Rolling

 - PHOTOSTOCK-ISRAEL/SPL/Science Photo Library/GettyImages
Jade stone.  PHOTOSTOCK-ISRAEL/SPL/Science Photo Library/GettyImages

One of the newest skin care techniques being used in professional facials and as part of a skin home care regime is actually an ancient beauty technique.  If you are looking for a way to almost instantly revive and massage your skin look no further than to jade rolling.  This easy to perform skin care trick involves very little monetary investment but gives great results.

What Is Jade?

First a little bit about jade itself.

 Jade was discovered some 7,000 years ago and has been used by humans every since.  Though usually associated with the color green jade actually comes in a wide range of colors including white, black, yellow, orange, and even violet.  Though this gem is used widely in China but it has long been revered throughout the world.

 Not only thought to be precious and beautiful this jem is also considered a symbol of good.  In some cultures it is also seen as a lucky, healing, and protective stone.

What Is Jade Rolling and What Are The Skin Benefits Of This Technique?

Jade rolling is done with a jade roller which is a smooth piece of jade connected to a handle.  The jade is carved so that it is cylindrical and moves easily along the face.  A jade roller looks like a mini paint roller.  Jade rollers can be easily purchased through Amazon and cost very little which makes this beauty tool accessible to everyone. 

As already mentioned jade rolling is actually an ancient beauty tradition that originated in China.  This technique is both relaxing and has many skin benefits as well.

 The jade itself is slightly cool to the touch so rolling it all over your face is very soothing and can reduce redness and inflammation.  This cold can also make pores appear smaller temporarily.  If you would like your jade roller to be even colder just pop it in the fridge for a little bit before using.


Furthermore, jade rolling improves blood circulation to the area where it is being used.  It also promotes lymphatic drainage which means it can reduce facial puffiness.  Jade rollers can help under eye puffiness and darkness  by helping to move fluids that are stuck under the eyes.  If you are someone who has been looking for a solution of dark under eye circles or under eye puffiness than jade rolling may be just what you are looking for.  

How To Do Jade Rolling 

Jade rolling at home is very easy to do.  You can even do it while watching TV, and it can be done morning or evening.  Most people do jade rolling on their faces but it can actually be performed anywhere on the body.

Jade Rolling For The Under Eye Area

Use a small jade roller for this treatment; be sure to put the jade roller in the refrigerator so that it is extra cold before use.  After washing your face apply eye cream under eyes .  Gently roll under your eyes starting from the inner corner out.  Bring the roller down towards your ear in order to promote fluid drainage.  Repeat these strokes a few time.  You can perform jade rolling under your eyes twice a day in the morning and evening.  

Jade Rolling On Your Face

Clean your face thoroughly.  Apply a serum, moisturizer, or even a mask to your face.  Starting at the bottom of your neck move your roller up over your neck to your face.  Move the roller in upward strokes over your cheeks, on both sides, and up to your forehead.  Run the roller along the whole width of your forehead.  You can do this for about 2 minutes.  You could do this every evening but even a few times a week will help your skin.

If you used a mask rinse it off after using your jade roller.  You can apply more serum or moisturizer after rolling since the roller will have helped the serum or moisturizer you applied before be absorbed into your skin.

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