Thursday, September 29, 2011

How To Use Tria Laser

For safety reasons you'll need to make sure your skin is within a light to medium skin tone range to use the home laser hair removal device, and for good reason. Burns, blisters or scarring can occur if skin is too dark.

Place the skin sensor firmly against the skin you'll be treating and then press the button. A green light says you're good to go, a red light indicates your skin is too dark in that area. Learn more about how the device works: Tria Profile.

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Men's Facial Hair Styles

The stubble beard like Christian Slater is wearing, isn't only an in-between stage for growing out to a full version. Many guys keep this look because they don't want to wear a ton of facial hair.

The good news is that you don't have to keep shaving and start over to get your perfect length. Philips Norelco Stubble Trimmer (read review) can get hair down to .04 of an inch.

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How To Wax Bikini Area

Did waxing your bikini area end up in a mess? We're here to give you the secret- Hard wax! It's specifically made for coarse hair, doesn't require a strip, and actually 'shrink wraps' the hair making them easier to come out.

These instructions are to do a regular bikini wax at home, removing the hair outside your panty line. Unless you are a gymnast, I don’t think you can do a Brazilian bikini wax on yourself. Leave that one to the pros.

Difficulty: Average

Time Required: 45 minutes to 1 hour

Here's How:

  1. Buy waxing kit. I recommend using hard wax for bikini area because the hair is coarse.Hard wax (compare prices) goes on smooth, but hardens so that it doesn’t require a strip to be removed. The following directions are for the use of hard wax.
  2. Have enough hair. Grow bikini hair out to at least 1/4" long. Use hair clippers to trim hair down if longer than 1/2". Scissors don't work well for trimming because you run the risk of making some hair too short.
  3. Cleanse skin. Use pre-wax cleanser on bikini area and apply pre-epilation oil which works with hard wax. Don’t over do it on the oil, more isn’t better.
  4. Apply wax. Using an applicator, apply wax evenly FIRST the opposite direction of hair growth, and then WITH the direction of hair growth to a large area (about 4 ?” long and 2 ?” wide)in the same stroke. Don’t stop at the edge of where the hair grows, go passed that point. You will use the part of the wax that isn’t attached to hair as a tab to remove it. The wax will dull as it hardens, and will not be tacky. If the wax isn’t hard enough when removed, it won’t take away all of the hair.
  5. Remove hair. Lightly flick up a small part of the wax that isn’t attached to hair on the end to be used as a tab once cooled. Say hair grows from left to right- the end is on the right side. Hold skin taut with one hand, and remove wax in opposite direction of hair growth in one quick pull, all the way to the other side. Don't pull up, which might be your natural inclination. Press hand down on skin to help relieve some of the pain, after wax is removed. (Sounds silly, but it works!)
  6. Repeat. Work your way waxing the bikini area, repeating steps 4 and 5.
  7. Get missed hairs. Use tweezers to remove any hairs missed by the wax.
  8. Clean skin. Remove any remaining residue with wax remover.
  9. Soothe skin. Apply an after-wax cleansing product or an aloe based gel.
  10. After care. The bikini area has a tendency for ingrown hairs. Two days after wax, lightly exfoliate area to try to avoid ingrown hairs and try Flawless Ingrown Hair Serum (read review) if you do end up getting any.


  1. Waxing can cause red bumps, ingrown hairs and bruising. Read more about how to prevent and stay clear of waxing side effects.
  2. Practice using the wax on a small part of your body, like your arm so you get the feel of it. Always test small amount of wax on hand before putting on bikini zone, to make sure it’s warm, not hot.
  3. There are some circumstances in which you shouldn’t wax. Read: Waxing Precautions & Warnings for the full list.
  4. Take an asprin or ibuprofen 30 - 45 minutes before waxing, and apply a numbing spray (compare prices) if you're concerned about the 'ouch factor'. Read: Top Ten Tips to Reduce Waxing Pain for the full run-down.
  5. A couple weeks before waxing your bikini area, shave exactly what hair you want removed and make the bikini lines even on both sides. Once it grows back it will make waxing the area you need to remove hair easier to follow.

What You Need

  • Wax warmer
  • Hard wax
  • Pre-wax cleanser
  • Pre-epilation oil
  • Square-edge applicators which makes getting a straight line easier
  • Wax remover for the skin
  • After- wax lotion or aloe based gel

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9 Blackhead Treatment Products

Last week we talked about blackheads, a frustrating skin issue that many of us deal with.? We talked about what blackheads are, and what they are not.? We also talked about how you can keep them from coming back.

To help reduce the number of blackheads on your skin, you need to use an exfoliating product, ideally one that contains salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is the most common active ingredient in acne product lines because it helps remove the dead skin cells, renewing your skin faster.

If you're looking for a product to help reduce your blackheads, check out our list of 9 Blackhead Treatment Products.? These products are all effective for not only blackheads, but whiteheads, too!

Image courtesy PriceGrabber

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6 Brands of Nail Polish Strips to Try

Nail polish strips are a fuss-free way to polish your nails without waiting for them to dry. Are they right for you? You won't know until you try.

Nail polish strips get mixed reviews. Some love them, some try them once and never try them again. It's really something that you have to try on your own and judge. On a plus side, if you love nail art, you have many options with nail polish strips.

Here are 6 brands of nail polish strips that are easy to find.

1. Sephora: Nail Patch French Manicure

Sephora: Nail Patch French ManicureImage provided by Sephora
Sephora has two sets of french manicure nail polish strips to choose from. The classic pink french manicure and the classic beige french manicure. Reviews are mixed. Some felt that they started chipping after only a day or two, and others said they lasted much longer than their regular polish.

2. Sally Hansen: Salon Effects Nail Polish Strips

Sally Hansen: Salon Effects Nail Polish StripsImage provided by PriceGrabber

Sally Hansen's Salon Effects Nail Polish Strips are around $10 and comes with two sets of 8 strips - one for each hand, with extras in case you mess up, apparently. They're advertised as lasting up to 10 days.

They come in lots of different patterns and colors. Check out this awesome review of Sally Hansen's Nail Polish Strips from blog All Lacquered Up, complete with pictures of multiple colors and patters that she tried.

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3. Incoco: Nail Polish Strips

Incoco: Nail Polish StripsImage provided by Incoco
Incoco gives you, by far, the biggest mix of colors, patters and textures of nail polish strips. Pictured here is Golden Lattice, our favorite in the Design Manicure Series, but make sure you check out the color manicure series, (loving City Chic) and French Manicure series.

4. OPI for Sephora

OPI for SephoraImage provided by Sephora
OPI for Sephora line is a big line of nail colors sold exclusively through Sephora. Included are a line of nail polish strips. The Chic Prints for Nails isn't for the timid, Chrome Lace is absolutely stunning. These currently sell for $15 for 2 sheets of 8.

5. Nailene: Nail Polish Strips

Nailene: Nail Polish StripsImage provided by PriceGrabber
You might know Nailene for their nail tips you see at the drugstores, but they make a small line of nail polish strips, too. Priced under $7, they are a good budget option if you wanted to try or practice using them before paying double for the Sephora brands.
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6. NailWOW: Nail Polish Strips

NailWOW: Nail Polish StripsImage provided by PriceGrabber
NailWOW's nail polish strips are definitely for those looking for wild prints as they are all pretty intense, but there are a lot of options from far out there to just a little bit of texture or sparkle. Reviews again are mixed. One reviewer said that they were much more flimsy then some of the other brands of nail polish strips that she had purchased. (And what's up with the computer created images, anyway?)
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Origins Product Reviews

If you're thinking about shopping at Origins, check out what we think about some of their products by reading our in-depth product reviews.

1. Origins: GinZing Eye Cream

Origins: GinZing Eye Cream
Origins GinZing is a refreshing eye cream that brightens immediately, and also has sustained benefits over time. A nice alternative to concealing under-eye circles with makeup and suitable for all skin types.

2. Dr. Andrew Weil for Origins: The Way of the Bath Matcha Tea Scrub

Dr. Andrew Weil for Origins: The Way of the Bath Matcha Tea ScrubImage courtesy Nordstroms

Anti-oxidants play a big part in skin care today, as they protect against signs of aging. Dr. Andrew Weil for Origins: The Way of the Bath Matcha Tea Scrub contains these desired anti-oxidants mixed in with their mineral-rich sea salt. You're left with smooth, soft, protected skin.

Be aware that you need to mix, shake or stir the product before each use due to separation.

3. Origins: Mint Wash Cooling Gel Facial Cleanser

Origins: Mint Wash Cooling GelImage courtesy PriceGrabber

Origins Mint Wash Cooling Gel Facial Cleanser is perfect for extremely oily skin, but if you fall in any other skin type category, you'll want to pass.

4. Origins: Gloomaway Grapefruit Body-Buffing Cleanser

I really can't imagine a single person not loving the scent of Origins: Gloomaway Grapefruit Body-Buffing Cleanser. The scent literally lifts your spirits, which makes it perfect for the days where you are dragging.

This product is a daily exfoliator and cleanser combination that will lift dead skin cells and cleanse your skin at the same time.

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How to Grow Out and Reshape Eyebrows

how to grow out brows, reshape eyebrows

After over-tweezing or getting a higher than requested arch from a professional, you want to grow out your eyebrows and put them in a new shape. This can be tricky sometimes, like when you're growing out your hair and it's in that in-between stage where you can't do anything with it.

We have some tips to make the transition easier- because you can't put your brows back in ponytail.

  • Fill, fill, fill. As the hair starts to grow out and become noticeable, use brow pencil or powder to fill in the stubby hair areas to the desired shape (get directions).
  • Tweeze or wax at least every two weeks. This sounds like it's defeating the purpose. It's not at all, there still will be strays that need to go and this will keep you on track and make brows look kept while growing out. Before removing any hair, have your target shape in mind whether you're doing it yourself or going to the pros. (Tips: How to find the right shape.)
  • Use a brow stimulator if needed. If you've had that shape for a long time or it seems to be taking a long time to grow in, enlist some help. Try something to encourage growth like Talika Lipocils.

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Blackhead Remedies

What Is a Blackhead?

Whiteheads and blackheads are very similar with just a very slight difference. They are both called comedones, which are a collection of sebum and skin cells gathered in your hair follicles. They get stuck and plug the hair follicle causing the breakout. The difference in whiteheads and blackheads is simply if the hair follicle is open or closed. When open, the oxygen in the air oxidizes the oils, turning them brown - a blackhead. (Think of how an apple oxidizes when left out.)

Though, contrary to their name, they are not always black. They can be a range of color from yellowish to black. The light reflecting on the hair in your follicle can also make the blackhead appear to be a dark color. A whitehead on the other hand is a closed, or almost closed follicle which prevents the oxygen from oxidizing the oil.

A Blackhead is Not...

Dirt. If you have blackheads, please do not think that it is because you do not clean your face well enough. The cause of blackheads is all below the skin's surface and if you are cleaning your face daily, you are not responsible for your skin's blackheads.

Where are the Most Common Places to Get Blackheads?

Blackheads are most common on your face, specifically on your nose and the sides of your nose. But some people get blackheads in other places, such as on their ears, shoulders and on their back, though whiteheads and blackheads can form anywhere there is a hair follicle.

How Can I Get Rid of Blackheads I Currently Have?

The key to getting rid of your black heads is unplugging the pores and dislodging the buildup. While it might be tempting squeeze it out, it's not something that we recommend. Your fingers have oils and dirt on them which could cause further breakouts. Instead, let's look at product ingredients to look for.

Look for cleansers, exfoliators and acne products that contain salicylic acid, glycolic acid or benzoyl peroxide - or a combination of those. Products that include these ingredients loosen the dead skin cells that can get clogged in your hair follicles. These ingredients can literally help unplug the follicles. These chemical exfoliators are different than the grainy exfoliators. They work evenly and effectively without causing your face any irritation.

You can also carefully use products like Biore strips. (Or make your own pore strips) The key is to be gentle, not use them around the eyes and not use them daily.

After the Blackhead is Removed, Can I Close my Pores to Avoid Another Blackhead?

In short, no. Everyone has pores. Some people have larger pores than others, specifically people with oily skin, but we all have pores and pores do not open and close. You can, however, do your best to keep good care of your skin so they don't become clogged. Here are some tips to keep in mind when it comes to your face.

  • Keep your hands off of your face. Whether you rest your head on your hands by habit or your sleep with your hands up to your face, the oils and dirt on your hands don't need to be on your face.
  • Check your phone. Take a look at your cellphone and I bet you see oil from your face. Clean your phone daily.
  • Lose the lid.If you wear a hat every day, specifically if you have oily skin, chances are good you're seeing blackheads and whiteheads on your forehead. Back off with the time you spend with a hat on your head.

Long-Term Care

As we noted above, using products with chemical exfoliators will help unclog your pores. (See our list of 9 blackhead treatment products.) Used on a regular basis, you will see improvement in your skin. Remember that a Dermatologist is always a good person to visit, especially if your blackhead situation is severe. Dermatologists can prescribe stronger exfoliators than what you can buy over the counter and can provide in-office skin treatments for you, such as facial peels.

Best Vitamins For Your Skin

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Origins: Ginzing

The Bottom Line

Origins GinZing is a refreshing eye cream that brightens immediately, and also has sustained benefits over time. A nice alternative to concealing under-eye circles with makeup and suitable for all skin types.


  • Cream brightens and conceals dark circles almost immediately.
  • It’s one product that not only conceals, but also hydrates.
  • Conceals without looking cakey, like makeup can.
  • A little goes a long way.
  • Non-irritating.


  • Suggested retail price for .5 oz is $29.50 - a bit on the pricey side.


  • Refreshing eye cream that brightens and de-puffs, reducing visible signs of fatigue.
  • Retail price is $29.50 for .5 oz.
  • Ginzing contains caffeine, Panax Ginseng and Magnolia Extract to banish tired, puffy eyes.

Guide Review - Origins: Ginzing

After my youngest child was born, I took my face to the nearest upscale makeup counter for an overhaul, especially for my puffy, dark under eye circles. Ten minutes later, my fatigue was expertly concealed via a 3-step process with award-winning products and an $80 price tag. And we hadn’t even discussed eye creams yet.

In addition to tired eyes, there’s something else you should know about me: I’m lazy. And cheap. I have the best of intentions, but the reality is that 2-in-1 products were made for me. The higher the performance, the more I’m willing to pay so I can have the satisfaction of looking great without undergoing a “process” to get there.

Origins GinZing Eye Cream gives me the brightness I used to achieve via applying concealer (the 3-step process mentioned above), and also depuffs and nourishes the under-eye area. Applying the cream is quick, easy and fool-proof. A dab of the cream goes a long way, so I don’t mind the almost $30 price tag.

And, unlike some eye creams, it feels great on! No irritation or redness. No minty tingle. Just refreshing.

One downside to this product is that it doesn’t look the best on a bare face. The Silica and Mica leave a shimmer on the skin which does help brighten the eye area, but it looks more natural with a little powder on the rest of the face.

Also worth mentioning: This cream isn't meant to substitute a more-intensive anti-aging eye cream, like the kind you might apply at night. So, if you're looking for those benefits, you'll have to add a night cream to your skin care regimen as well. But it’s great in the morning. And it works as advertised!

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fashion Week Trend: Full Eyebrows

Looking for a trend to follow from NYC Spring 2012 Fashion Week?? Why not big, full eyebrows?? The full brow look was all over the runway.? Pictured here is a model at the Altuzarra Spring 2012 fashion show on September 10, 2011.? Sure, these are a little bold, but this is a style that you can mute down and make your own.

Just for the record, I don't think it's for everyone. I like the more feminine look of sculptured brows, but I'm also in my mid-30's and don't always pay attention or care about the trends.? And my advice to you is to skip the trends that don't play up your beauty. (I'm skipping this trend!)

But if you want to give this look a try, grab a brow pencil, skip the wax appointment and go for it.? But first, take my poll.

Photo by Arun Nevader/Getty Images

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How To Sugar Hair

Place Sugaring Paste in?Hand

sugaring, sugaring hair removal Photo c Naomi Torres

The sugaring paste will be like a big blob in your hand, but don't apply it to your skin just yet.

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Zirh 3-Step Regime

If the idea of picking out a skin care regime overwhelms you, I've picked out the basic items you need to get started. Once you're used to taking proper care of your skin, you can add more items if you'd like, but just by starting with the basics, you'll notice your skin feels and looks better.

I've chosen Zirh Skin Care for Men to focus on. Readily available, you'll find this line is effective, affordable and has a great scent. Zirh has a fantastic line of treatment products that you can explore as needed, as well a high-end Platinum line if cost is not your top concern.

1. Zirh: Clean

Zirh: CleanImage provided by Zirh

Before you purchase a cleanser, you'll have to decide which one of the two cleansers is right for your skin type. If your skin is oily, you deal with acne on a regular basis, or you have large pores, you'd want to stick with Zirh: Clean.

Clean is a thick gel cleanser, which contains ingredients that will zap your acne without leaving your skin extra-dry. But these ingredients can also be a bit harsh for those with sensitive skin, so if you have sensitive skin, you'll want to read on.

Simply apply to wet skin to create a lather. Use twice a day.

2. Zirh: Wash

Zirh: WashImage provided by Zirh

Unlike Zirh: Wash, Zirh: Clean is meant for those with dry to normal skin, as well as those with sensitive skin. It's a gentle gel cleanser that you would use to clean your face twice a day.

Clean is also fragrance-free, which works well for those of you who prefer to have a your fragrance come from a favorite cologne or after-shave.

As directed above, apply to a wet face and work into a lather by rubbing in circular movements before rinsing well.

3. Zirh: Refresh

Zirh: RefreshImage provided by Zirh

Zirh: Refresh is an option product meant specifically for those men who deal with oily skin. If you feel into the Zirh: Wash category, you'd probably like to consider using Refresh

Refresh is an astringent, and astringents help control oil, combat acne and temporarily reduce the appearance of your pores. It's easy to use, and will make a difference if you deal with early shine. Simply soak a cotton ball with Refresh and swipe over your entire face, paying particular attention to the areas you battle with most. This is often the t-zone, or your forehead, nose and chin.

You may feel a slight tingle, but you'll also notice that it dries very fast. Once dry you're free to move on to your moisturizer.

4. Zirh: Defend

Zirh: DefendImage provided by Zirh

Zirh offers two moisturizers, Defend and Protect. Protect is a great anti-aging product that will fend off free-radicals which are responsible for many of your skin's aging symptoms. (compare prices), however Defend contains SPF 15, which, to me is more important when we're starting with the basics.

Often times men fore-go sun protection because they are not informed on the importance of sun screen, but sunscreen will help block your skin from the sun's aging rays. Be aware that you will need to reapply sunscreen thought the day. Every 2 hours while in the sun is mandatory.

If you're already a pro at sunscreen and use it daily, Protect might be the next step up in your skin care regime.

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Men’s Back Waxing

Even though you'll hardly see any guys with chest hair if you open a magazine, it's still generally considered attractive. However, a carpet of back hair...Well, not so much.

You may have heard of the neat tools like ManGroomer and Razorba that allow you guys to shave your own back. But many men are choosing waxing appointments over shaving, because for one, they don't have to do the work. And two, it lasts so much longer than shaving, especially when it's done regularly.

That opens up some questions like: What are the costs? Should I see a professional? Is it painful? Are there any precautions? Good thing my assistant, Nicole answers this and more in: Men's Back Waxing.

And for a complete resource on gender-specific waxing with advice and tips for the entire face and body, we have: Waxing for Men.

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Men's Facial Hair Styles

Ben Affleck wears a full beard well. It's kept neat, trimmed and definitely not out-of-control. Although, it does take away his rather boyish look.

Compare prices on beard trimmers.

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Friday, September 23, 2011

Blackhead Remedies

Today, we're talking about blackheads.? When my husband found out that I was writing about blackheads, he said, "Oh, good! Tell me how to get rid of them and how to close my pores so they don't come back."

In our article, we describe what blackheads really are, (and what they're not!) how they form and how you can get rid of them.? We also talk about what you can do to keep them from coming back.? We also talk about pores and answer my husband's question - Can you actually close them?

Blackheads - What are They and How Can I Get Rid of Them?

Image Pierre Bourrier/Getty Images?

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