Monday, March 12, 2012

Brazilian Waxing for Men

Bikini and Brazilian waxing for men is in the top three areas for hair removal. There are also many different ideas as to what the service entails and their names. Here are some examples of styles available for this type of service and why you should seek out a professional.
  1. BSC (back, sack, crack). This is exactly as it sounds. Although the back is not part of the Brazilian, the sack and crack can be. The hair is removed from the area between the buttocks and from the scrotum. This is done carefully and with professionalism and there's no need to be shy or worried as long as you are dealing with a professional who is experienced.
  2. Bikini line. This is the same like for women. If you had a bikini type bottom on, picture all the hair that shows around the edges gone. It's much less invasive than the above-mentioned waxing but still leaves quite a bit of hair.
  3. Strip and bikini (with clipping down the front). Basically this is the same as the bikini but more hair is removed and a landing strip is left. Generally the hair is also trimmed down to about a ? of an inch.
  4. The full Brazilian- This is the works. You can expect all genital hair removed. And I mean everything. From front to back (yes, your behind) you will be hair free. You may want to consider getting your actual back done as well if it's very hairy, for a seamless flow.

Of course you don't have to choose just one style. You can customize your bikini wax to include exactly how much hair you want to keep and be removed.

Going to the Pros

I highly recommend going to a licensed and trained individual who has worked on men for some time. Ask around to find the best of the best. You can expect professionalism, cleanliness and no embarrassment from someone who knows what they are doing.

At Home?

Trying this yourself at home will probably be a disaster. You will leave yourself open to bruising and ingrown hair because you probably will not be able to get the correct angles to remove the hair properly. You can also burn yourself and cause blisters, especially on your genitals.

There may be a few of you who have mastered the art of waxing yourself but for most it will be one of the hardest things to do on your own. And who wants to walk around with wax in places because they couldn't reach around to remove it! Leave this to a professional and enjoy a little pampering and a couple of hair free weeks.

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